Evaluation of Camelina sativa as an alternative oilseed crop – J.G.Crowley, Crops Research Centre, Teagasc, Irish Agriculture and Food Development Authority – 1999 Oak Park, Carlow

Summary: A series of field trials were conducted (1996-1998), across four countries. The objective was to establish the potential of winter hardy varieties of camelina, grown without the use of herbicides, fungicides or pesticides. The study showed winter camelina cannot produce an economic yield in Ireland where the use of herbicides and fungicides are excluded. The relatively mild wet winters encountered in Ireland result in very high levels of weed competition. The herbicide Trifluralin (Treflan) incorporated into the seedbed before sowing was identified as an effective herbicide for camelina. However, the full potential this crop remains to be established. Link: http://www.teagasc.ie/research/reports/crops/4320/eopr-4320.pdf