Summary: To improve oil quality and other agronomic characters, we have developed an efficient and simple in planta method to generate transgenic camelina plants. We also demonstrated that transgenic camelina seeds produced novel hydroxy fatty acids by transforming a castor fatty acid hydroxylase. Our results provide a rapid means to genetically improve agronomic characters of camelina, including fatty acid profiles ...
Summary: It is desirable to increase the content of the monounsaturated oleic acid and decrease the content of the polyunsaturated fatty acids, linoleic acid, and α-linolenic acids in camelina oils to improve oxidative stability. Desaturation of oleic acid to polyunsaturated acids is mainly controlled by the gene FAD2. Three FAD2 genes were identified in Camelina, with very high sequence similarity ...
Summary: Study investigates the distribution of triacylglycerols and their phospholipid precursors within cotyledons and the hypocotyl of generic C. sativa and genetically modified lines with altered seed lipid composition. The results reveal previously unknown differences in acyl lipid distribution in Camelina embryos and suggest that this spatial heterogeneity may or may not be able to be changed effectively in transgenic ...
Summary: Microspore-derived embryos have been produced from Camelina. After 28 days embryos were observed and these were regenerated to plants and selfed seed was produced. The highest embryogenic frequency achieved was 38 microspore-derived embryos from 100,000 microspores. Link: Erratum:
Summary: To evaluate the role of AGG3 towards seed and oil yield improvement, the gene was overexpressed in Camelina sativa. Analysis showed that constitutive overexpression of AGG3 resulted in faster vegetative as well as reproductive growth accompanied by an increase in photosynthetic efficiency. Overall, this study draws a strong link between the role of AGG3 in regulating two critical yield ...