Meet Our Growers:
An Interview with Dennis Keller

I've been farming for about 40 years. I enjoy the outdoors and my crops have varied over the years. Something we've tried in the past 4 or 5 years is camelina. It's a good fit for lighter soils, sandier soils and drier areas. It can be grown on better quality land as well. Our yields have varied a little bit from the beginning till now. It's a learning experience and we've found that the inputs are probably about half of what canola is so the net return on it when you working everything out is a pretty good dollar per acre.

- Dennis Keller - Landis, Saskatchewan

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I've been farming for about 40 years. I enjoy the outdoors and my crops have varied over the years. Something we've tried in the past 4 or 5 years is camelina. It's a good fit for lighter soils, sandier soils and drier areas. It can be grown on better quality land as well. Our yields have varied a little bit from the beginning till now. It's a learning experience and we've found that the inputs are probably about half of what canola is so the net return on it when you working everything out is a pretty good dollar per acre.

- Dennis Keller - Landis, Saskatchewan